Look! Up in the air! It's a bird. It's a plane. They're going to hit each other! (No, no, not really. But it made for an interesting picture.) Near Abiquiu, NM. 21 March 2007.
I'm an Adult Child of a Travel Agent, but I haven't found a support group-- it seems all the other ACTAs are always traveling! My first camera was a Kodak Instamatic, my first digital an Olympus C3030. I traded my old stand-by Olympus E3 for a Canon 6D in 2013 and upgraded to a 5D Mark IV in 2016, though occasionally I shoot with a Canon PowerShot G11. My favorite lens is a Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM Zoom.
(All photos are copyrighted by Cynthia L. Black.)
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