I know, I know-- not exactly a DSLR-quality photo. A little difficult even to make out what it is, perhaps, too....
For reasons of which I am not sure, I happened to go out to breakfast three days in a row last week. On Thursday I went to Fat Nat's, in New Hope. On Friday it was 3 Squares in Maple Grove, and on Saturday it was Al's Breakfast in Dinkytown. Fat Nat's got the greasy spoon award (not terribly inspired food, but not expensive, either), 3 Squares got the overall-quality award (we shared steak and eggs and blueberry french toast-- both were excellent), and Al's Breakfast (pictured here) got the atmosphere award. Why the area of Minneapolis it is in is called 'Dinkytown', I have no idea (perhaps it will be revealed to me after I live here for more than 3 moths). The place is 10 feet wide, and has a long counter with 14 very traditional lunch-counter-type bar stools that are bolted to the floor. You eat with someone standing behind you, waiting, it seems, for you to leave. But no one appears to really rush because there is lots of atmosphere to absorb while you wait, and the food is really good (and inexpensive) once you do get seated. 31 July 2010. Minneapolis, MN.