Having celebrated the first Christmas, the guys retire to the back room where they smoke cigars and have some male bonding time.
How I see the world.
This is a courtyard along the outside of the New Mexico Museum of Art. It struck me as having that quintessential "Santa Fe" kind of look.
I later learned that it is a Pueblo Revival building designed by I. H. and William M. Rapp, and based on their New Mexico building at the Panama-California Exposition of 1915. The museum's architecture inaugurated what came to be known as "Santa Fe Style."
Santa Fe, New Mexico. 13 May 2005.
I haven't had a camera in my hand in a couple of weeks (okay, with the exception of taking some pictures of a home construction project that's been going on for a while), so I thought I'd revisit some photos that got earmarked for posting here, but for one reason or another were never posted.
This is from one of many trips to the little town of Chimayó, New Mexico, where El Santuario de Chimayó is located. It's a great store to buy chili, santos, crosses, milagros, and a cold drink.
Chimayó, New Mexico. 25 March 2007.