The sale of the Cathedral of Christ the King became final today-- it was very, very sad day. May God bind up the broken hearted. 7 May 2007.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
From my recent labyrinth walk at the Cathedral of Christ the King. A video version of some of these photos can be found here. 9 June 2007.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
From my recent labyrinth walk at the Cathedral of Christ the King. A video version of some of these photos can be found here. 9 June 2007.
From my recent labyrinth walk at the Cathedral of Christ the King. A video version of some of these photos can be found here. Kalamazoo, Michigan. 9 June 2007.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I recently walked the larger labyrinth at the Cathedral of Christ the King with camera in hand. A video version of some of these photos can be found here. Kalamazoo, Michigan. 9 June 2007.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Last night Margie Adam gave a concert at the Cathedral of Christ the King, and she was amazing. Having been moved by her music for thirty years it was an incredible gift to get to hear her sing and play in the Cathedral's sacred space. Wow. 9 June 2007.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
I was in Chicago for two events and had a couple of hours to visit Shedd Aquarium. I found this chameleon quite interesting, not only because of the colors, but because his eyes moved independently! Chicago, IL. 4 June 2007.
Friday, June 01, 2007
It's peony time-- it's the one of the first photos I've shot in over a week. I set out to try a little HDR (high dynamic range), but got lost in the wonder of the peonies themselves. 1 June 2007.
I'm an Adult Child of a Travel Agent, but I haven't found a support group-- it seems all the other ACTAs are always traveling! My first camera was a Kodak Instamatic, my first digital an Olympus C3030. I traded my old stand-by Olympus E3 for a Canon 6D in 2013 and upgraded to a 5D Mark IV in 2016, though occasionally I shoot with a Canon PowerShot G11. My favorite lens is a Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM Zoom.
(All photos are copyrighted by Cynthia L. Black.)